Welcome from the Chair

Greetings and welcome to the Aviation and Aerospace Science Department at Metropolitan State University of Denver. For over 40 years, we have been teaching and training students in our passion for flight – both in the air and in space!?


If you are interested in a collegiate education related to any aspect of aviation or aerospace science, then you have arrived at your destination. Our graduates are working in all areas of aviation as professional aviators, aviation managers, airport planners, air traffic controllers, flight dispatchers and much more. Our students have the opportunity combine study in aerospace science, physics, and engineering to seek new opportunities in the aerospace industry. For those interested in the space sciences, we offer unique programs in space commercialization, space physics and space systems engineering technology.


Our department is truly “student-centered.” We are focused on your education and the development of your professional career. Each member of our department’s faculty has completed a career in aviation or aerospace prior to their appointment as professional educators within our program.


We offer the highest quality and most affordable undergraduate aviation education in the country. MSU Denver’s tuition and fees are so affordable that you will be able to pay for much of your flight training or other types of certification with the money you save.

Dr. Jeffrey Forrest, Department Chair of the Aviation and Aerospace Science department at MSU Denver.

Aviation and Aerospace Science Department

Curriculum & Degree Programs

Career Opportunities

Jobs and Internships

Looking for jobs or experiential learning opportunities in this field?  Check out this job board focused on career opportunities related to and adjacent to Aviation and Aerospace:


Be sure to browse through these additional job boards to explore more opportunities that exist in other areas, and don’t forget to explore CareerLink and the Classroom to Career Hub for ways to engage in career exploration and professional development!

Here’s a CareerLink guidebook to help you navigate the platform. 

Aviation and Aerospace Science Scholarships

The Aviation and Aerospace Science Department is fortunate to assist and manage a dozen AVS-specific scholarships. These scholarships are privately funded scholarships offered to AVS students every year, based on academics, achievement, and financial need.

Each scholarship is listed below with summary information and criteria. Please Contact Prof. Tyler Bachelder for more details and advising regarding these AVS-specific scholarships.

General information regarding other MSU Denver scholarships can be acquired from the MSU Denver Office of Financial Aid.

Cost Estimate

For more than 40 years, MSU  Denver’s Aviation and Aerospace Science Department has delivered high-quality instruction and unparalleled training opportunities at an affordable price. We understand that cost is one of the major considerations in selecting a collegiate program. For this reason, MSU Denver is proud to offer one of the lowest cost aviation and aerospace collegiate programs in the United States!

Our value is bolstered by diverse, highly qualified faculty members who bring rich aviation industry experience to the classroom. Our excellent flight simulator laboratory, the World Indoor Airport, is funded through a stipend that all MSU Denver students pay. As a result, students enrolled in a simulator course have extensive access to practice their flight skills at no additional cost. In comparison, many other schools charge approximately $50 per hour for their simulator usage.

Simply stated, MSU Denver’s Aviation and Aerospace Department will help your career take flight without putting your finances in a tailspin!

For a detailed discussion of cost estimates for tuition and fees for attending MSU Denver, please visit the MSU Denver Admissions webpage by clicking here.  A Cost Estimator and semester tuition comparison tables are also provided.

Although costs for flight training are quite variable, an estimate of $55,000 – $75,000 can be expected. Flight training costs are in addition to tuition and fees for attending MSU Denver.

When considering flight training, note that there are many variables that can affect the cost such as the training facility you choose, weather, rising fuel prices, instructor availability, number of flying lessons per week, and gaps in training due to the student, instructor, or aircraft availability.

Questions? Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in the Aviation and Aerospace Science Department at MSU Denver.

Prospective students, parents, alumni, and industry partners are welcome to submit inquiries to the departmental email (located on the right side of this section).

Campus Address:

Aviation and Aerospace Science Department
Metropolitan State University of Denver
1250 7th Street – Seventh Street Classroom
Campus Box 30
PO Box 173362
Denver, Colorado 80204



